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优宁维-R&D systems支原体检测试剂盒
更新时间:2014-04-24      阅读:300

       不需要特殊仪器,可同时检测8种支原体,并避免支原体检测出现假阴性和假阳性的方法,R&D systems支原体检测试剂盒,MycoProbe ELISA检测法。


       对此,R&D systems公司有重大突破,利用ELISA技术研发的新产品—MycoProbe Mycoplasma Dectection kit(cataog# CUL001B)可以高通量、快速、有效地检测支原体污染,并且避免出现假阴性和假阳性现象。

l  准确度高:可检测出细胞培养体系中zui常见的8种支原体污染(涵盖了95%比例)
l  敏感性高:可与PCR相比,且无假阳性
l  适合于高通量检测:96孔板形式,可同时检测1-96份样品,灵活组合
l  适用范围广:细胞培养上清或/和培养细胞(新鲜及冻存细胞)裂解液,且不需无抗生物培养基
l  检测快速:约4小时完成检测
l  无需特殊仪器:即用型,操作简单



MycoProbe Mycoplasma Detection KitCUL001B96 tests
Mycoplasmas Detected: M. hyorhinis, M. arginini, M. fermentans, M. orale, M. pirum, M. hominis, M. salivarium, Acholeplasmalaidlawii

      MycoProbe支原体检测试剂盒(catalog # CUL001B)运用“ELISA夹心法”的基本原理,首先将样品16sRNA标上生物素标签和地gao辛标签,然后将其加入预先包被在孔板上的链亲和素的微孔板进行捕获,同时加入碱性磷酸酶标记的抗地gao辛检测抗体检测,zui后加入底物显色,通过比色法得出检测结果。该方法有效的改善了目前常规方法的不足,提供了一种准确度高,敏感性高,无假阳性,适用广,高通量的支原体快速检测方法。

1.    Wash the Hybridization Plate 2 times with Wash Buffer.
2.    Add diluted Probes, Positive Control, Sample Diluent (Negative Control), or sample to the designated wells.
3.    Incubate the plate for 60 minutes in a 65 °C water bath.
1.    Wash the Streptavidin Plate 2 times with Wash Buffer.
2.    Transfer 150 µL from each well of the Hybridization Plate to the Streptavidin Plate.
3.    Incubate for 60 minutes on a horizontal orbital shaker.
1.    Wash the Streptavidin Plate 4 times with Wash Buffer.
2.    Add Anti-Digoxigenin Conjugate to each well.
3.    Incubate for 60 minutes on a shaker.
1.    Wash the Streptavidin Plate 6 times with Wash Buffer.
2.    Add Substrate Solution to each well.
3.    Incubate for 60 minutes on a shaker.
Do not wash.
4.    Wash the Streptavidin Plate 6 times with Wash Buffer.
5.    Add Substrate Solution to each well.
6.    Incubate for 60 minutes on a shaker.
Do not wash.
1.    Add Amplifier Solution to each well.
2.    Incubate for 30 minutes on a shaker.
3.    Do not wash.
1.    Add Stop Solution to each well.
2.    Determine the optical density (OD) of each well within 30 minutes, using a microplate reader set to 490 nm.
Note: Ifwavelength correction is available, set to 650 nm or 690 nm. If wavelength correction is not available, subtract readings at 650 nm or 690 nm from the readings at 490 nm. This subtraction will correct for optical imperfections in the plate. Readings made directly at 490 nm without correction may be higher and less accurate.




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